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How to find work-life balance as a newcomer in Canada

Written by: Naranjan Nota, Spiritual Intuitive Life Coach.

Depending on the culture and environment you come from, it can push you to lean into new ways of living. Whether it’s how to engage in ordinary daily tasks such as grocery shopping, household chores, relaxing, meeting new people through socializing and just having fun, come with ease as you build the necessary skills to manage and cope. These activities take effort and need to be developed, much like how one builds a new muscle, stamina and strength that becomes second nature when you engage in that muscle, without effort.
More often than not, newcomers come to a new country and work hard, stay motivated and not waver from their dreams, desires and aspirations in life as it may often feel like starting from the beginning, as it is a reality for many. In many cases, the price of overworking and not taking care of other areas of your life can shift your perspective and experiences as a newcomer not to be favourable. The lack of focus and consideration for the different areas of your life may shape your decisions and experience as an immigrant reinstalling the thought and feeling to reconsider your decision and move back to your home country or move to another part of the world.
The challenge is also indicative of your professional life and how you’d like to shape your skills and develop new ones through formal or informal education. There’s a new way to look at work by learning how to recognize when to stop and start. The work environment culture and subtle nuances that show themselves through the company’s culture, often misunderstood by even native Canadian’s or long-term newcomers, can add a layer of stress, trigger a lack of self-esteem and confidence.
Three males looking at laptop birds eye view
While rebuilding your personal life might be somewhat more straightforward, especially if you have a family with you from your home country, but if you migrated alone, the growth of these types of relations might be more challenging. Nevertheless, both scenarios can present hurdles of isolation, lack of confidence and the possibility of depression and anxiety. Expanding your awareness and being acutely observant of your emotional ups and downs is crucial to adapting to a new environment. There are many structures and programs that offer support since it’s a natural process during this transitional period. Whether you’re moving from one part of the country or from another country, the emotional journey is the same. I encourage you to seek support for the many organizations whose mission and purpose are to ensure your transition with ease.
Taking time out from your daily routine can be challenging because of the constant need and pressure to be and do more. I invite you to look at the natural world of nature. The natural world is the one thing that’s consistent, regardless of where you lived in the world. Of course, the environmental climate is different, offering a different perspective while the fresh air that fills your lungs, the rain that wets your skin and clothes and the sun that kisses your face as you look up to the bright blue sky. Certainly, the fundamental elements of nature are the same and will remain consistent as you build your new home in a different part of the world. Therefore, I suggest you take time out in nature for the elements can support you, heal and inspire you in many ways beyond what’s capable with the thinking mind. Just as the natural world offers critical ingredients needed for the insects, spiders, animals, flowers, trees, birds, etc., all must be in perfect balance for them to survive; humans are the same. The human body and how we use it require the same formula even though the recipe can be skewed with external stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and sugar, causing the body to become more disconnected and become out of alignment mind and spirit.
Once you can listen to your body and then be courageous to act upon the whispers and knowing when to stop and when to start can create more harmony in your body. The new conversation and relationship with yourself is essentially the only thing you have that can empower you to make the right decisions. Your inner dialogue and self-awareness can offer you more awareness and insight when life gets out of balance in your work and personal life and nature, giving you the signs and tools to rebalance and align once again.
I invite you to investigate and explorer your local nature area where you can recharge your human self on an emotional, physical and spiritual aspect. Only when all parts of you are in harmony can one genuinely feel in alignment in life so you can fulfill a life that you dreamt of when you made Canada your new home. Conversation and relationship with yourself is essentially the only thing you have that can empower you to make the right decisions for you. Your inner dialogue and self-awareness can offer you more awareness and insight when life gets out of balance in your work and personal life and nature, giving you the signs and tools to rebalance and align, one again. So, once again, I invite you to investigate and explorer your local nature area where you can recharge your human self on an emotional, physical and spiritual aspect. Only when all parts of you are in harmony can one genuinely feel in alignment in life so you can fulfill a life that you dreamt of when you made Canada your new home.

PsyMood is a digital tool designed to help you find the support you need in the language that you are most comfortable with. PsyMood considers cultural background, geographical location, interests, and personal needs, amongst other factors, to pair you with service providers for either online or in-person therapy sessions.

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