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Recognize individuals on the Autism Spectrum for their Uniqueness!

Did you know that today is Autistic Pride Day? Since 2005, we’ve used this day to bring awareness and recognize those who have autism.

The idea of autistic pride highlights the message that autistic people have always been an important part of our society. Autism is considered a form of neurodiversity. As is the case with all forms of neurodiversity, many of the challenges autistic people face are a result of external factors rather than implications of the condition itself. Most commonly, other people’s attitudes and preconceived notions regarding autism and a lack of support and accommodations (ableism) are key contributing factors.

Autism is often treated as an illness that must be treated. Founded by Aspies for Freedom, Autistic Pride Day aims not only to celebrate autistic individuals but also to bring positive awareness.

Get Educated and Stay Informed

The first step to helping is knowing. Many individuals have limited knowledge about autism and wrongly assume that all types of autism are the same. In fact, autism is a spectrum disorder, which means that the severity of the symptoms vary greatly from person to person. Take some time to learn more about the condition and how to recognize some of the common signs.

Raise Awareness

Now that you have some knowledge about the condition, do your part to share that knowledge. Actively participate in campaigns, such as Autistic Pride Day, that aim to bring awareness and educate those around you. If someone close to you is ill-informed about the topic, offer them resources to educate themselves.  Spreading the correct knowledge is a key part of widening the awareness reach.

Volunteer with Support Organizations

Autism is a lifelong condition and can have varying impacts on emotions, sensory experiences and social interactions. Individuals with severe forms of autism often rely on individual support to stay focused and complete tasks. This can often be time-intensive, and so helping hands are always welcome. There are community services and organizations that can help train volunteers and offer support to those in need.

Check-in on the Caregivers

As previously mentioned, caring for someone who suffers from severe types of autism can be a time-intensive process.  Caregivers can suffer from burnout and struggle with mental health. If possible, lend them a hand. Offer to run some quick errands or give them a break from their normal caring routine. Remind them that they are doing a good job, small gestures can go a long way.

Practice Inclusion

Autistic individuals have the right to be treated as equals in society.  If it is within your power, take steps to accommodate them and ensure they are able to participate in all walks of life. Remind those around you to be kind, and be accepting of those who are different.

If you feel the need to talk to someone about your mental health, PsyMood is here for you. Our mental health specialists can speak your language and understand your culture. Sign up today to speak with a specialist. We offer sessions at any time, anyplace!

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