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Fostering Inclusivity: Nurturing a Sense of Belonging

Creating a workplace where veterans belong involves cultural sensitivity training and fostering community through employee resource groups.


  1. Cultural Sensitivity Training: Initiate training programs to enhance cultural sensitivity, ensuring a workplace that appreciates and understands the diverse backgrounds of veterans. Fostering Cultural Sensitivity in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers and Employees
  1. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Establish ERGs specifically for veterans, providing a platform for shared experiences, networking, and mutual support.
  1. Recognition Programs: Develop programs that spotlight veterans’ achievements, fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition within the organization.
  1. Counseling Services: Offer counselling services to address challenges veterans might face, creating a supportive environment for mental health and well-being.
  1. Promote Inclusive Language: Implement language policies that promote inclusivity, avoiding stereotypes and assumptions about veterans’ experiences

Recognizing and Celebrating Achievements: Beyond the Uniform

Move beyond superficial recognition; delve into veterans spotlight programs and awards that honour veterans for their exceptional contributions.

  1. Veteran Spotlight Programs: Establish programs that showcase veterans’ accomplishments, emphasizing their contributions to the organization and community.
  1. Diversity and Inclusion Awards: Introduce awards that specifically recognize veterans’ contributions to diversity and inclusion within the workplace.
  1. Feature Success Stories: Share success stories of veterans within the organization through internal communications, highlighting their journeys and achievements.
  1. Community Engagement Initiatives: Encourage veterans to engage with the local community, fostering positive relationships and showcasing their commitment beyond the workplace.
  1. Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking events where veterans can connect with leaders, opening avenues for professional growth and recognition.

In weaving veterans into corporate tapestries, we not only honour their sacrifices but enhance our workplaces strategically and ethically. This Veterans Day, let’s commit to creating workplaces where the contributions of veterans are acknowledged, celebrated, and integrated into the very fabric of our corporate cultures.


Please share your insights in the comments section below in regards to honouring veterans in the workplace, and inclusive practices. At PsyMood, our expertise lies in offering tailored solutions for inclusivity practices in the workplace. Whether you operate in British Columbia or Newfoundland and Labrador, our comprehensive services are accessible to you. We provide personalized consultations, be it online or in person, taking into account individual needs, cultural backgrounds, geographic locations, and personal interests. PsyMood is a digital tool designed to help you find the support you need in the language that you are most comfortable with. PsyMood pairs you with service providers for either online or in-person therapy sessions.

PsyMood is a digital tool designed to help you find the support you need in the language that you are most comfortable with. PsyMood considers cultural background, geographical location, interests, and personal needs, amongst other factors, to pair you with service providers for either online or in-person therapy sessions.

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