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Divorce and Work-life

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally challenging and stressful life event, and it can certainly impact various aspects of your life, including your work life.  Research published in the Journal of Men’s Health found that divorced people, both men and women, years after their divorce, suffer higher rates of mortality, depression, illness in general, and substance abuse than married people.  Here are some suggestions for prioritizing your well-being during this time while managing work responsibilities and coping with mental health difficulties.

Seeking help outside of Work and Divorce

  • Reaching out to your out-of-work support system: 

Don’t hesitate to lean on your trusted friends, family, or support groups for emotional support.  Joining a divorce support group can provide a sense of community and understanding. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can help you feel less alone and offer valuable insights and coping strategies. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with trusted individuals can help alleviate the burden you may be experiencing. 


  • Practice self-care and prioritize your physical health: 

Divorce can be draining. Any moment you can focus on yourself will help your mental and physical wellness. Engage in enjoyable activities, such as exercising, spending time in nature, trying yoga, listening to calm music, eating nutritious meals, practicing mindfulness or meditation, journaling, or pursuing hobbies.  These activities will subconsciously help with getting better sleep, reduce stress and improve your overall mood. Taking care of yourself will positively impact your ability to focus and perform well at work. For tips read here: 5 Ways to Love Yourself with Self-Care


  • Set boundaries and take it one day at a time: 

Establish healthy boundaries with your ex-partner to protect your mental health. This may include limiting communication or avoiding certain topics that trigger negative emotions. Clearly define your boundaries and communicate them assertively but respectfully.  It’s important to be patient with yourself and take it one day at a time.  Be compassionate towards yourself as you navigate through the challenges. Here are some tips to become more mindful: Insights into Solitude

Divorce and Work

  • Communicate and be open with your employer: 

If possible, have a conversation with your employer or supervisor about your situation. Let them know that you’re going through a divorce and discuss any potential changes or challenges you anticipate in your work life. This open communication can help them understand your situation and provide necessary support or flexibility.


  • Set realistic expectations and a routine: 

Understand that going through a divorce may affect your productivity and concentration. Set realistic expectations for yourself and communicate with your colleagues or supervisor about any potential changes in your work capacity during this period. Establishing a structured routine can provide stability during a tumultuous time. Create a schedule that includes time for work, self-care, and any necessary divorce-related tasks. This routine can help you maintain focus and manage your time effectively.It’s important to be honest and transparent while finding a balance between your personal and professional commitments.


  • Consider flexible work arrangements and EAP plan: 

If your work allows for it, explore options such as flexible working hours, remote work, or reduced hours temporarily. This flexibility can help you better manage your personal commitments while still fulfilling your work responsibilities.  If your workplace offers employee assistance programs (EAPs) or counselling services, consider utilizing them. These resources can provide additional support, guidance, and coping strategies to help you navigate the challenges of divorce.


  • Request for time off: 

If the divorce process becomes overwhelming or you need additional time to attend to personal matters, don’t hesitate to request time off from work. Taking a temporary break to focus on your well-being can ultimately benefit your overall productivity and mental health.

Work-life Balance and Divorce

  • Stay organized: 

Divorce often involves various legal, financial, and logistical matters. Maintaining a clear record of important documents, deadlines, and appointments, can help alleviate stress and anxiety. ComeToAgreement is a great company that can help you organize and assist you during the divorce journey.


  • Seek legal and financial advice: 

Divorce can have long-term implications on your financial and legal matters. Consider consulting professionals such as divorce lawyers and financial advisors who can provide guidance and help you make informed decisions.


Consider reaching out to a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor, who can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. On PsyMood you can narrow down the “Distress factor” search to “Marital/relationships”.  Any of these specialists can guide you through any emotional challenges, develop coping strategies, and provide a safe space to express your feelings.  It’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions during a divorce, including sadness, anger, frustration, and grief. Allow yourself to feel these emotions and give yourself permission to grieve the loss of your relationship. Consider journaling or talking to a therapist to help process your emotions.

Seeking professional help and support is crucial when dealing with mental health struggles.  Remember that everyone’s experience with divorce is unique, and it’s essential to find the strategies that work best for you. Lean on your support system, you don’t have to face these challenges alone, be kind to yourself, and with time you can work towards healing and building a brighter future.  Let us know below in the comments section about any challenges you face at your company.

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